When major technological advancements are happening at a near breakneck speed, expectations are that the world would be rapidly pushed forward into a science fiction future. There is only one problem with that; the technology, no matter how promising, has to catch on in order to succeed.
Month: July 2020
The World’s 5 Largest Data Centres
The internet is nothing more than one massive, global network that almost every single functioning device in the world is currently a part of. But large amounts of the traffic that these devices generate needs to be stored safely, along with the countless terabytes of information that we collectively produce during any given day.
This is truly the age of information, and nothing is more of a testament to that than the incredibly huge data centres that can be found across the surface of the planet. These are modern, temperature-controlled structures that house endless banks of servers, all working together as one to provide different services to millions of people at once. Continue reading “The World’s 5 Largest Data Centres”